Alley Sin w/ Reckoning

22.04.11 ALLEY SIN w/ Reckoning@The Box
Friday some are in love, others attend concerts. I'm from the latter. Friday night has always been a time for drinking and having a good time and this Friday was no exception. The past one year I learned many things but above all one in particular: when there's Alley Sin there's always fun. The bulgarian glam-rockers are already well-known to the local rock community with their two EPs, one demo, an extensive tour across the country and numerous gigs throughout Sofia, and with fans coming from Sofia and beyond. The only true glam-rock band in Bulgaria (which by the way is the only one that can really support someone as big as glam-rock legends Cinderella) is a favorite among many with it's genuine R&R attitude that attracts all kinds of people from rockers to punks. During their previous concert at one time there was even a pogo in which I proudly took part. Every gig of the band is sure to bring good emotions and fun to all attendees. Knowing all that and being a fan of the band already I went that night knowing that Alley Sin will not only perform their most beloved songs but they'll present it's audience with a brand new single - "Shut Up, Bitch", the video of which will have it's separate promotion of the 15th of May. So that night I went like 30 minutes later only to find out that the sound-check was over moments ago. Noone knew exactly when the concert will start but I don't think anyone really cared. All this meant one thing: more meet, greet and drink with the band. And who doesn't want that. I'm always in for a drink with the band. So after a hour and something chatting and drinking with the band it was time to head back to club "The Box" as the concert was about the start. First for the night was the supporting act, Reckoning, a trash-metal band I've heard for the very first time. The youngsters tried to put up a decent show, some of their schoolmates were even trying to form a moshpit. But I wasn't impressed. The lack of experience was clearly evident. Not that it was that bad, it's just that they need some more practice. Good thing was that eventually they finished playing. Alley Sin were eager to jump on stage which they did with no further delay. Well it was obvious that it's gonna be a fun night when Alley Sin are playin' and that my friends was proven once more. The crowd went crazy with the very first accords and from then on it was only rock & roll and they liked it. Alley Sin did perform some new tracks, the aforementioned "Shut Up, Bitch", "Two Chicks" and a few others which will end up on their very first album who hopefully will see the light of day. The band ended their set with a cover of Misfits' "Attitude" (if I recall correctly). Overall it was a fun night as always by the way. See you again, guys.